
Professional Fees

Safety Net’s professional fees are structured as follows. Definitions of the rate periods, terms and conditions can be found in the client’s Service Agreement. Note: these fees are for Time and Materials support and projects; they do not apply to services covered under Your Net, nor are they indicative of the cost of these services under Your Net.

Client Type

Business Hours* Rate

Emergency or After Hours Rate

Holiday Rate

Network Support Services $175/hr ¼ hour minimum $255/hr ½ hour minimum $325/hr ½ hour minimum
Network Engineer Services $225/hr ¼ hour minimum $305/hr ½ hour minimum $380/hr ½ hour minimum
Cyber Security Services $315/hr ¼ hour minimum $440/hr ½ hour minimum $515/hr ½ hour minimum
IT Consulting Services $225/hr ¼ hour minimum $305/hr ½ hour minimum N/A
Travel Time $130/hr ½ hour minimum; $180/hr ½ hour minimum $200/hr ½ hour minimum
Client Type
Network Support Services
Business Hours* Rate
$165/hr ¼ hour minimum
Emergency or After Hours Rate
$245/hr ½ hour minimum
Holiday Rate
$310/hr ½ hour minimum
Client Type
Network Engineer Services
Business Hours* Rate
$215/hr ¼ hour minimum
Emergency or After Hours Rate
$290/hr ½ hour minimum
Holiday Rate
$365/hr ½ hour minimum
Client Type
Cyber Security Services
Business Hours* Rate
$300/hr ¼ hour minimum
Emergency or After Hours Rate
$420/hr ½ hour minimum
Holiday Rate
$490/hr ½ hour minimum
Client Type
IT Consulting Services
Business Hours* Rate
$215/hr ¼ hour minimum
Emergency or After Hours Rate
$290/hr ½ hour minimum
Holiday Rate
Client Type
Travel Time
Business Hours* Rate
$125/hr ½ hour minimum
Emergency or $170/hr ½ hour minimum
Holiday Rate
$190/hr ½ hour minimum

*Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM ET

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